Praias de 🇵🇹 Portuguese Beaches


  • Place Ofir Beach
    Ofir Beach


    "One of the most beautiful beaches in the north of Portugal ! It is called Ofir and , as you can tell, makes me SUPER HAPPY. Better times to go: July, August, September and October. In the night you have Pacha Ofir 🍒 A night club close to the beach. "
  • Place Praia do Cabedelo
    Praia do Cabedelo


    "The things about beaches in the North of Portugal is that it have a sand extension of Kilometers , so you can play sports like Football, Volley, etc, and give long walks by the sea. Its a well known beach for radical water sports like Surf"
  • Place Praia da Amorosa
    Praia da Amorosa


    "Praia da Amorosa. A world famous beach for fancy vacations. Its extension and blue water are one of the rare crystal waters up in the North of Portugal ☀️"
  • Place Praia de Caminha
    Praia de Caminha


    "Still up in the North. This Beach is located on the border with Spain. You can spend nice holidays there, with a know bar to get lunch - Pra Lá Caminha - go to the fairy on Sundays (and buy some nice replicas there) and then travel to Spain in the morning"