Reading 📚


This collection is for recomending stuff to read
  • Book Gosu


    "Really awesome and underrated read! With lots of cool martial arts and powers, and over the top batlles! 🥟"
  • Book Solo leveling
    Solo leveling


    "Incredibly awesome read! With a protagonist that gets exponentially stronger than everyone else due to a special ability, and gets really cool and interesting powers!"
  • Book Second Life Ranker
    Second Life Ranker


    "A really good interesting read, where the protagonist enters a special world in order to avenge the death of his brother, he manages to become really powerfull by cleverly taking advantage of the way this world works, the plot is really clever and satisfying "
  • Fashion Lookism | WEBTOON
    Lookism | WEBTOON


    "A story of a bulied fat kid who misteriously acquires a handsome and fit second body. It starts as a story who shows how diferently society treats people based on appearance but quickly becomes filled with awesome martial arts fights between gangs. A profound story with very good lessons to teach "