
Movie (2018)

Recommended by 79 users
Lewis es un tipo aparentemente normal, pero en realidad está ocultando una obsesión, una venganza contra Cathy. Lewis secuestra a Cathy a plena luz del día y la lleva a su casa, donde la encierra en una celda insonorizada e intenta extraer un oscuro secreto de su pasado.
GenresDrama, Misterio, Suspense
Duration1 hour 28 minutes
DirectorSuzi Ewing
    A woman is kidnapped and taken to a remote residence, ending up locked in a soundproof room. The kidnapper keeps asking her the same thing What is your name? And the answer does not suit him. It’s all due to a past that links them both. Awesome plot twists very dope movie
    A man named Lewis is obsessed with a woman named Cathy , and kidnaps her. But as the time passes by , he discovers that she has more and darkest secrets than him.
    Lewis es un hombre aparentemente normal que en realidad esconde una terrible obsesión: busca vengarse de Cathy.
    Bom filme
    Um filme subestimado,poucos conhecem mais é um suspense incrível.