ARK: Scorched Earth


Recommended by 45 users
Stranded naked, dehydrated & starving in a vast desert, even the most seasoned ARK survivors must quickly find water, hunt for food, harvest, craft items, and build shelter to have any chance for survival. Use skills honed on ARK's faraway Island to kill, tame, breed, and ride the mysterious new creatures that have evolved to survive the Desert's ultra harsh conditions, including... DRAGONS! Travel back and forth between the Island and the Desert to team up with hundreds of players across both worlds or play locally!...
    avatar12/21/2020, 02:46 AM@Gabriel37025
    avatar04/04/2020, 02:13 PM@MaxCortez12
    Another great DLC for Ark. Recommended 10/10
    avatar08/12/2019, 12:55 PM@Laier6665
    Es un juegazo
    avatar06/17/2022, 01:11 PM@songocuab0
    Ark scorched earth Ă©s un DLC de ark que tiene unos dinos Ășnicos y un desierto gigante
    avatar03/22/2021, 06:08 AM@SraNazamiy0
    Ark é um jogo muito bom, com gråficos muito bons e uma trilha sonora incrível, baseando-se em um mundo pré-historico&futurístico, fugindo de dinossauros ou domando eles, com armas e tecnologia um tanto quanto avançada para aql "tempo".