Casino Royale

Movie (2006)

Recommended by 560 users
La primera misión del agente británico James Bond como agente 007 lo lleva hasta Le Chiffre, banquero de los terroristas de todo el mundo. Para detenerlo y desmantelar la red terrorista, Bond debe derrotarlo en una arriesgada partida de póquer en el Casino Royale. Al principio a Bond le disgusta Vesper Lynd, la hermosa oficial del Tesoro que debe vigilar el dinero del gobierno. Pero, a medida que Bond y Vesper se ven obligados a defenderse juntos de los mortales ataques de Le Chiffre y sus secuaces, nace entre ellos una atracción mutua.
GenresAventura, Acción, Suspense
Duration2 hours 24 minutes
DirectorMartin Campbell
    avatar05/06/2022, 11:20 PM@theartist29321
    I loved Pierce Brosnan & after the way it was shafted by the 007 producers it was hard to support this film & a dryer type of Bond.Yet the movie eventually grew on me & even though his was not my preferred type of Bond,I really enjoyed Daniel in his version of this Bourne like unhinged type of Bond.
    avatar10/07/2021, 04:28 PM@twinkie201
    James Bond Vs Le Chiffre in a poker battle which relies on stopping him from being able to finance the villains’ crime world, all the while 007 falls in love which will most certainly define a course throughout the next movies
    avatar06/13/2021, 04:54 PM@marcioantony0
    Um filme top, Casino Royale,
    avatar02/19/2021, 03:36 AM@saklas2
    Show!! 👏👏👏👏
    avatar02/07/2021, 02:40 AM@Domstore3
    My fookin alter ego....