Escondidos en Brujas

Movie (2008)

Recommended by 80 users
Narra la historia de dos asesinos a sueldo en Londres que, debido a una operación que termina mal, reciben la orden de exiliarse por un tiempo en la ciudad de Brujas, en Bélgica.
GenresComedia, Drama, Crimen
Duration1 hour 47 minutes
DirectorMartin McDonagh
    With a simple yet smart premise, 'In Bruges' is a terrific flik. Colin Farrell takes the cake through his character: a tormented and hilarious hitman that seeks redemption.
    A strange and quirky film, good nonetheless. It's different but recommended.
    6/10 • Ray and Ken, two hitmen, get stuck in Bruges, Belgium, after an unsuccessful mission. The situation becomes complicated when their boss asks Ken to kill Ray.
    It makes you want to go to Bruges.
    The writing of this movie is crispy, funny, full of amazing philosophical layers that gives you the perfect unexpected end.

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