
Movie (2016)

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El pequeño Saroo, de cinco años, se pierde en un tren en el que recorrerá miles de kilómetros por la India, lejos de su casa y de su familia. Saroo tendrá que aprender a vivir solo en Calcuta, antes de que una pareja australiana lo adopte. Veinticinco años después, y contando tan sólo con sus recuerdos, una determinación inquebrantable y las posibilidades que le proporciona la herramienta de búsqueda Google Earth, comenzará a buscar a su familia perdida, para reencontrarse con ellos.
Duration1 hour 58 minutes
DirectorGarth Davis
    Based on a true story, the main character gets lost on a train as a child and has to survive on his own on the streets until he's adopted by a family of a foreign country. As an adult he's determined to find his family with the few memories he still holds on to. Heartbreaking.
    A perfect and sensitive film, it talks about family, social class, adoption, personality and character. It made me cry and want to hug my sisters, I valued my family a lot more after watching the movie.
    Beautiful and speechless movie
    Prime Video