Pretty Woman

Movie (1990)

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Un acaudalado y frío hombre de negocios conoce en Hollywood Boulevard a una joven y atractiva prostituta a la que alquila durante una semana para que sea su acompañante en sus cenas con los clientes. Para ello la chica se verá sometida a todo un cambio de look tras el que nadie podrá ver, a simple vista, que es una chica de la calle.
GenresRomance, Comedia
Duration1 hour 59 minutes
DirectorGarry Marshall
    avatar10/13/2024, 05:49 AM@m_brouhaha0
    Netflix ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    avatar08/05/2021, 08:41 PM@matheuswesleysantos0
    Pretty woman, walking down the street..... 🎶♩🎵
    avatar05/25/2021, 10:50 PM@curiousines4
    A 19404-style romantic comedy given a modern twist, Pretty Woman came along as a refreshing antidote to the macho wham-bam movies that dominated Hollywood's output in the late '80s. One of the highest-grossing pictures of 1990, it succeeded in making the "date movie" popular again.
    avatar05/14/2021, 02:24 PM@mariejasmine13
    "I Want The Fairy Tale."
    avatar03/28/2021, 10:42 AM@Iriam60
    Pretty woman walking down the street...🎶

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