São Jorge

Movie (2017)

Recommended by 44 users
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Duration1 hour 52 minutes
DirectorMarco Martins
    Beautiful Portuguese film, portraiting a difficult reality that exist all over the world. Very close and intimate look into this reality. On point acting of Nuno Lopes.
    Drama. It's about an unumployed boxeur and its wife and son. This two decide to return to Brasil once they have no means to survive here in Portugal and so, this unumployed boxeur that owes money, will start working for a "company" bullying and intimidati
    Excelente filme de Marco Martins, com uma vigorosa interpretação de Nuno Lopes. Disponível na HBO Portugal.
    🇵🇹 Muito bom! 🍿🎬🎥👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
    Um filme que vale a pena ver. Retrata a realidade de muitas famílias portuguesas durante os últimos anos de crise económica de uma forma crua, mas muito real.

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