The Master

Movie (2012)

Recommended by 148 users
Drama sobre la Iglesia de la Cienciología. Lancaster Dodd (Philip Seymour Hoffman), un intelectual brillante y de fuertes convicciones, crea una organización religiosa que empieza a hacerse popular en Estados Unidos hacia 1952. Freddie Quell (Joaquin Phoenix), un joven vagabundo, se convierte en su mano derecha. Sin embargo, cuando la secta triunfa y consigue atraer a numerosos y fervientes seguidores, a Freddie le surgirán dudas.
Duration2 hours 17 minutes
DirectorPaul Thomas Anderson
    avatar01/20/2021, 12:46 PM@renanromero0
    With a incridible photography, it tells a story about a ex marine who’s lost and in search of some meaning, purpose amd direction in life.
    avatar05/15/2020, 02:19 PM@weekend_travelers25
    A Naval veteran arrives home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future - until he is tantalized by the Cause and its charismatic leader.
    avatar04/08/2020, 09:20 PM@soniasbarcala2
    The Master de Paul Thomas Anderson. 6,5/10.⭐
    avatar04/04/2020, 06:19 PM@saintkuala47
    Joaquin Phoenix as his best self. 8/10
    avatar02/29/2020, 01:47 AM@carlito_recommends1
    You need to watch it more than once to notice all the intricacies, but it’s the character study on Phoenix’s amazing performance that is fascinating.

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