The Sound of Silence

Music (2015)

Recommended by 468 users
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Genresalternative metal, nu metal, rap metal, rock
    avatar04/09/2021, 10:18 PM@gabishay0
    avatar12/09/2020, 08:44 PM@soniasilva158349782554
    "Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence" 🎶
    avatar09/03/2020, 06:41 AM@francishelbigraffo0
    avatar08/15/2020, 07:52 PM@joseluisluna1
    Versión de la conocida canción de Simon & Garfunkel, logra transmitir el mensaje de la canción por medios distintos, con una increíble interpretación del vocalista David Draiman. El directo al que me refiero se encuentra en YouTube, con el título "Disturbed, The Sound if Silence 03/28/16"
    avatar07/18/2020, 09:29 AM@goldveia2
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