This movie depicts the life of 3 homeless people who find an abandoned baby at new year's eve. The storyline unfolds the mystery behind their lives, as they try to find the baby's family. I found the pace rather slow, but it does leave a wholesome feeling. Not one of my favorite movies tho. ANIME.
for me, this one is the best from satoshi kon and one of my favorite movies ever. while his other films have a more serious tone, this one is a breathe fresh air. tokyo godfathers is funny and at the same time dramatic, a christmas gift indeed.
Eu gostei muito desse anime, os personagens são muito complexos e tem várias camadas, cada um tem seu tempo para desenvolvimento, as tramas paralelas acabam convergindo para um mesmo ponto resultando num clímax de explodir cabeças. Eu amei muito esse anime e acho que todo mundo devia ver💕