Black Sheep

Music (2010)

Recommended by 85 users
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Genrescanadian indie, canadian rock, indie rock, indietronica, metropopolis, neo-synthpop
    avatar08/31/2022, 01:56 PM@yarajordan1
    "You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick the past again"
    avatar03/09/2021, 02:50 AM@shayllabotelho0
    Hello again, friend of a friend, I knew you when
    avatar01/21/2021, 02:45 PM@plasticball0
    De Soundtrack de Scott Pilgrim vs the world ❤️
    avatar01/20/2021, 02:54 AM@lucasmacena1
    Scott pilgrim 🥊💕
    avatar08/14/2020, 05:27 PM@tvicencio19
    "Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick the past again" 🌸✨ Alternative/Indie 🌸✨