Call of Silence

Music (2017)

Recommended by 13 users
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Genresanime score, japanese soundtrack
    avatar05/04/2020, 07:09 PM@rubercattus0
    “You will know you're reborn tonight. Must be ragged but I stay by your side. Even if my body's bleached to the bones, I don't want go through that ever again. So cry no more, oh my beloved. Go ahead, be proud and fight it out. You are the one, our rising star. You guide us far to home, yet girt.”
    avatar02/21/2022, 04:17 AM@elpoi0
    Este es, para mí, el tema más hermoso que tiene Shingeki. Esa escena de Ymir despertando después de una eternidad es, simplemente, hermosa.
    avatar04/04/2021, 06:03 PM@majulynx0
    música perfeita!
    avatar09/11/2020, 12:34 AM@aquamaria6
    Gosto de estudar escutando música, e essa é uma das que mais me envolvem e me acalma. E me faz me concentrar mais nos estudos.
    avatar02/18/2020, 08:38 PM@bonacorsi0
    Referência: Shingeki no Kyojin (ymir theme)

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