Chromatica II

Music (2020)

Recommended by 210 users
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SpotifyApple Music
Genresart pop, dance pop, pop
    avatar11/19/2020, 10:10 PM@chamonoexiste25
    here we go tik tok 😛
    avatar07/14/2020, 07:39 AM@angellera2
    Lady Gaga!
    avatar07/03/2020, 07:29 PM@osvaldojardon1
    Strong metallic mind
    avatar06/26/2020, 07:47 AM@susanacarbajal204
    The transition to the next song "911" is amazing!
    avatar06/25/2020, 10:53 PM@nennisescobarfr9
    Sin duda Mother Monster nos regala una joya de disco con música a la cual nos tenia acostumbrados con grandes colaboraciones como los son ArianaGrande