
Music (2018)

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Genresfunk pop, funk rj, pagode baiano, pop, pop nacional
    🤩 @anitta ♥️♥️♥️ Yes, you've got a right to complain, it’s true But look what, you’re gaining move This message is saving you You are in his graces too The world entertaining you 'Cause they see the day in you Forget who was playing you 'Cause they die in their game too
    In love✨✨
    Shine when the rest of the stars are whatching 🌟⭐🌟
    Eu indico essa música pois a letra dela é linda, ótima para ouvir ou mandar para alguém que está se sentindo pra baixo e sem valor. (Espero que vc goste, bjos.)