
Music (2017)

Recommended by 336 users
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Genresart pop, metropopolis, nz pop, pop
    avatar09/03/2021, 12:48 AM@emranferatovix2
    The whole album is great but this song it’s just too relatable
    avatar05/26/2021, 02:53 PM@lauralaurent1
    "the truth is i am a toy that people enjoy till all of the tricks don't work anymore, and then they are bored of me"
    avatar03/30/2021, 05:40 PM@solmt131
    You're all gonna watch me disappear into the sun..☀️
    avatar03/24/2021, 05:35 PM@melina22_3
    Love that song
    avatar01/11/2021, 12:26 PM@emillyhudson__9
    “They say, "You're a little much for me You're a liability You're a little much for me" So they pull back, make other plans I understand, I'm a liability” 💙