Psycho Circus

Music (1998)

Recommended by 17 users
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Genresglam rock, hard rock, rock
    avatar10/09/2022, 11:34 AM@marianacamargo1150
    Yeah! Hello (hello) Here I am, here we are, we are one I've been waiting for this night to come Get up Now it's time for me to take my place The make-up running down my face We're exiled from the human race
    avatar06/28/2020, 04:18 PM@mihpinheiro5
    Clássico! Top DEMAISSS #Kiss 🎶✨
    avatar04/05/2020, 03:01 PM@saraahvic3
    Welcome to psycho circus
    avatar01/25/2021, 11:53 PM@harthurhenrique3
    E eu digo: Bem-vindo ao show
    avatar05/03/2020, 10:19 PM@lomba19752
    Da história do rock vós recomendo...