Summer Of '69

Music (1984)

Recommended by 408 users
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Genrescanadian pop, canadian singer-songwriter, classic canadian rock, heartland rock, mellow gold, soft rock
    avatar11/15/2021, 04:49 AM@walterbarbosa161796272467431
    avatar03/19/2021, 07:57 PM@filipamoedas7
    The one i like to call my second dad. Um artista intemporal e super inspirador, com um talento inigualável.
    avatar08/16/2020, 11:35 AM@SaraaLopess3
    Summer Pf '69
    avatar07/15/2020, 05:39 PM@chamonoexiste55
    Those were the best days of my life
    avatar07/10/2020, 02:55 AM@caccs2
    Summer of 69 🎶🎵🎙