The Scientist

Music (2002)

Recommended by 2,544 users
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Genrespermanent wave, pop
    avatar09/13/2022, 01:49 PM@marianacamargo1150
    Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry You don't know how lovely you are I had to find you, tell you I need you Tell you I set you apart…
    avatar10/30/2021, 04:56 PM@soydavidtapia0
    Una lloradita o que?
    avatar04/04/2021, 09:41 PM@gaby_trombini3
    The scientist - cold play
    avatar03/23/2021, 07:48 AM@daisies_are_daisies0
    By: Coldplay
    avatar03/08/2021, 06:12 PM@leunnam20
    The Scientist, es el segundo sencillo de la banda inglesa Coldplay de su segundo álbum de estudio.

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