The Suburbs

Music (2010)

Recommended by 131 users
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Genresalternative rock, baroque pop, canadian indie, canadian indie rock, chamber pop, indie rock, indietronica, modern rock, permanent wave, quebec indie, rock
    This one is really cool and lovely ❤
    ESP. En mi opinión la mejor canción del grupo, indescriptible. A la fecha cada que la escucho creo obtener un significado diferente. ENG In my opinion the best song of the artist, for me it's just indescribable the felling I get when I listen to it. ❤️🎶😎👌🏽✔️
    The suburbs es, sin duda, una obra maestra de Arcade Fire.👾super recommended
    Arcade Fire
    Theme listened by monkeys in San Francisco zoo. Fantastic 🙉.

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