This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)

Music (1975)

Recommended by 47 users
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Genresadult standards, disco, quiet storm, soft rock, soul, vocal jazz
    "This will be an everlasting love" ❤
    VIBESSS. Such a feel good song and it reminds you of all you movie classics do the late 90' early 2000's with the cheesy romance story and predictable ending.
    I could listen to this song and dance always and every time I listen to it. ❤️
    This will be you and me, yes, siree, eternally Huggin' and squeezin' and kissin' and pleasin' together forever through Rain or whatever Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you and me So long as I'm livin' true love I'll be givin', to you I'll be servin' 'Cause you're so deservin'
    Dida Ritz vs. The Princess

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