You should be sad

Music (2020)

Recommended by 2,955 users
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Genreselectropop, etherpop, indie poptimism, pop
    avatar04/13/2021, 07:57 PM@bangksjin0
    I love this song so much
    avatar01/25/2021, 01:30 AM@gustavo_chiva4
    So emotional song, when I listen to it the song makes me remember if my dad and how bad he was to my mom
    avatar01/20/2021, 04:06 PM@taehyscat11
    Halsey - Vou Should Be Sad
    avatar01/17/2021, 01:15 PM@AllType3
    Musica com uma vibe para te deixar no alto sempre a mexer Music with a vibe to keep you on top always moving
    avatar01/11/2021, 07:18 AM@lextheangel1
    No, you're not half the man you think that you are And you can't fill the hole inside of you with money, drugs, and cars I'm so glad I never ever had a baby with you 'Cause you can't love nothing unless there's something in it for you