Ticket to Ride Europe. Juego de mesa de estrategia sobre ferrocarriles


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A railway adventureSince its release in 2004, Ticket to Ride has become one of the most successful games of all time and its widespread popularity has led to the creation of several expansion sets which allow for the exploration of new aspects of the game. With elegantly simple gameplay, Ticket to Ride can be learned in under 15 minutes, while providing players with intense strategic and tactical decisions every turn.Make your way across 1900s AmericaTicket to Ride is a cross-country train adventure. Players compete to connect different cities by laying claim to railway routes on a map of 20th century North America, visiting great cities and collecting points along the way. On each turn, players can collect cards of various types of train cars, purchase Destination Tickets or claim routes with pre-owned train cards. The longer the route that has claimed, the more points they earn. Additional points are also added to those who fulfil Destination Tickets goal cards that connect...