Bear - Bloc de notas privado


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Unas de las aplicaciones de notas donde ahora podrías anotar todas tus actividades que podrías hacer en todo tus días
With a minimalist design, allows you to create notes in an elegant way and allows you to organize everything with codes and labels. In dark mode the app icon also changes to black 🥰 it's free and you can set an access PIN for your privacy.
The best thing about Bear notebook is probably its simple and elegant interface. Bear is my favorite notebook, you can use it in all your IDivices. Everything you write in your iPad will be seen in your MacBook.. I highly recommend it.
Deixa o like compartilha e segue ❤️
Para añadir notas al Apple Watch.
I use to write down ideas and write my posts ✏️ The full version is useful because you can download projects in various formats (eg.: pdf)
Super útil para anotar e não esquecer nada durante o dia! 📌
Melhor aplicativo para organizar o teu dia a dia, por mais de ser gratuita
Para fazer anotações
Bom ninguém terá acesso a suas notas caso peguem seu celular