Be With You


1 temporada

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Be with you
Be with you!!! This one is cute, about love at first sight!!! The experience of knowing that that person is the one that I'll love and spend the rest of my life with the first time I saw him!!! I also liked it because it showed me a world that I'm not familiar with, cartooning and manga!!! 🧡
Cdrama: Be with you____ Onde assistir: Youtube
Hello guys, well I am here today to show you this amazing serie I really appreciated and i fell in love with it! This is for someone who like cold guys showing their harm side from the back! And in the end showing their change 💜😁😉
Muito bom gente, muito bommm
Esse dorama fala sobre traumas e superação, foca não só no romance dos principais, mas busca focar em todas as histórias e pontas que normalmente ficariam abertas… amo esse Cdrama
Assisti esse dorama no ano passado, e ate hoje não me esqueci do nome da Qi Nian de tantas vezes que ela falou kkkk
Estar com você. C-Drama.