Verita Farma Gel Hidroalcohólico 1 Litro 935 g

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Gel anti Covid-19
Verita farma gel hidroalcoholico 1 litro 935 g gel hidroalcoholico para manos
Lavar as maos com frequencia e desinfectar é primordial durante a pandemia.
Gel desinfectante
Use this for prevente the virus if you go to the supermarket
Now that coronavirus is spreading we should use this and other methods to make ourselves clean of microorganisms! Be responsible and take care of your life.
Now that coronavirus is spreading we should use this and other methods to make ourselves clean of microorganisms! Be responsible and take care of your life.
Súper recomendado. De hecho cualquier gel antibacterial que sea más de 70% de alcohol funciona.