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There is many cool things to do in Bonaire, has an amazing snorkeling I did see an octopus 🐙
Bonaire is an amazing place to go with your friends or your family, especially if you love scuba diving or simply enjoying the ocean. And if that still isn't enough, the local culture will proportion you a hand full of memories
Caribe é lindo demais
Hermosa Isla, perfecta para hacer snorkel 🐠🐡🐟🥽
Muy lindo me gusto mucho 💓🏝
Preciosa isla llena de contrastes. Puedes ver flamingos y burros salvajes en su hábitat natural, el salar y la playa en un solo día.
Melhor sítio para fazer snorkel! Incrível mesmo
Um paraíso chamado Bonaire 🌴