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Ciudad libre🤍🖤
A semi self sustainable community with artsy structures and about 900 residents
Christiania is an alternative part of the city with a lot of street art and it's also the part of the city here you can buy weed in a kind of "legal" way. I recommend you to go during the daytime and with a open mind.
Copenhagen most hippie neighbourhood - due to the open cannabis trade. No photos allowed 📸🚫
Christiania is a Freetown, a hippie community in a incredible place to grab a beer and hangout with your friends.
Worth the visit.
Si vas a Copenhague debes visitar Christiania! Es un lugar bastante curioso con un lago precioso y mucho arte con materiales reciclados. Lo recomiendo.
Parece que entras en otro mundo!
Copenhagen, 1971: a revolução hippie está no ague e um grupo de posseiros ocupa um prédio militar abandonado na região portuária de Christianshavn. (Sigo de volta <3)