The Boarding School: Las Cumbres


1 temporada

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Since season 1 I knew I really knew that the love story of Leon and Ines was special and this season 2 confirmed it but the participation of Clara Galle in this second one was nearly null
season 2 - 4/5 ⭐
It was a cool hook to have Yon Gonzalez and Blanca Suarez on the first episode even just a few seconds it wasn't similar to the previous show. I thought that Leon will be an Ones stocker but once I knew their story I had engaged with that love story, horror series are my best
Un internado normal hasta q empezaron a pasar cosas raras…
Un final inesperad🧐
Amazing, waiting for season 2!
Suspense teen com uma pegada de bruxaria/sobrenatural. Streaming: PrimeVideo. 7/10
Serie de Amazon prime súper recomendable.