From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter


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Johnny Madrid, an outlaw, flees from his hangman with the latter's love-struck daughter. Along with a few others, they arrive at a saloon, hoping to rest there. But the place is run by vampires.
Johnny Madrid, an outlaw, flees from his hangman with the latter's love-struck daughter. Along with a few others, they arrive at a saloon, hoping to rest there. But the place is run by vampires.
Bandido foge de execução no início do século e leva consigo a filha de seu carrasco. Na fuga, rouba uma diligência e para em um bar comandado por uma sacerdotisa vampira, que tem interesse na filha do carrasco.
Un bandido consigue escapar de una ejecución publica llevándose consigo a la hija del verdugo cómo rehén, y huyen para reencontrarse con la pandilla de Johnny, el bandido 😱😱