Go Go Squid!


1 temporada

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It’s so adorable 🥺🥺🥺🥺
This is a great drama. If you want to know more about Chinese culture and how parent's consent is needed in China to marry someone then you'll have a great look on this drama. This is very funny as well!
Go go squid es basada en la serie "Stewed Squid with Honey" y trata de Tong Nian una cantante que al ayudar a a su primo en un ciber-cafe conoce a Han Shangyan de quien queda totalmente enamorada, pero lo que ella no sabe, es que Han Shangyan no tiene interes en los romance.
Go Go Squid!!! That kind of drama that you just can't stop watching it once you've started!!! It's so captivating... So awesome!!! That's why I love Asian dramas, because I always learn something new with them... God is great when he gives someone creativity to create this stories!!! 🖤
Go go squid
Maybe a little of love on our series list? ♥︎♥︎
Vai cara de lula
Apesar dos mil episódios eu amei 😻 casal muito fofinho, no começo eu queria bater nele, mas o desenrolar da história é muito bom, me rendi ao casal ❤️❤️