Monte Nebo

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Se dice que ahí murió Moisés. Magnífica colección de mosaicos y mirador hacia Israel.Santuario Católico pero dedicado a la Fé universal.
Mount Nebo is one of the most popular religious sites in Jordan. This is told to be the place where Moses from the Bible saw the Promised Land and died without entering on it. On the site you will have a stunning view towards what was the Promised Land, as well as the Memorial Church of Moses
O Monte Nebo é um monte na Jordânia, com cerca de 817 m de altitude, mencionado na Bíblia (em Deuteronômio) como o local onde Moisés viu a Terra Prometida e onde morreu, sem chegar a entrar nessas terras, que viu ao longe... 🧡🙏