I Forgot That You Existed

Taylor Swift


Apple Music
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Ideal para después de una ruptura 😉✌🏻
Ideal para después de una ruptura 🥺✌🏻
I forgot that you existed
I forgot that you existed And I thought that it would kill me, but it didn't And it was so nice So peaceful and quiet... I forgot that you existed It isn't love, it isn't hate It's just indifference 🎶♥️
I forgot that you existed✨
It isn't love it isn't hate it's just indifference
I forgot that you existed, and I thought that it would kill me but it didn't. 😌🤷🏻‍♀️
"Sent me a clear message, taught me some hard lessons, I just forget what they were, it's all just a blur.. I forgot that you existed" 🎶