I'm Thinking of Ending Things


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Es una historia que requiere de mucha atención y dedicación para canalizar. Pero, si lo haces, te encuentras inmerso en un mar de tristeza y melancolía. Las actuaciones están genial y la dirección es muy buena. 9.8/10
This was so bizarre. I get it that the dude was fantasizing about his life but could he have made something more interesting? I mean it's in his head... He can do anything and what he comes up with is so fucking boring
just watched this movie today and my opinions are a little bit controversial (i didn't understand a single thing)
Let me start by saying that I love movies that I have to watch a couple times to understand what’s going on , this movie is like that, complicated , with a lot of symbolism, weird time line , it’s a lot but it has a beautiful cinematography( its the same director from eternal sunshine ) must watch
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Full of misgivings, a young woman travels with her new boyfriend to his parents' secluded farm. Upon arriving, she comes to question everything she thought she knew about him, and herself. 5/10
A movie about time, memories and regret.
Do realizador de " Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind". Este "I'm thinking of ending things" retrata os nossos receios passados, presentes e futuros. Sobre o envelhecer...o que foi, o que é e o que poderia ter sido.
Auxiliado por performances estelares de Jessie Buckley e Jesse Plemons, I'm Thinking of Ending Things mostra o diretor e escritor Charlie Kaufman lutando com a condição humana como só ele pode.