Into the Badlands


3 temporadas

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Gostei muito dessa série, as lutas são nem incríveis, as disputa por território muito legal ... Pena que não teve 4 temporada
If you like good fights this is the show for you
This is the one of the series when you start watching you don't want to stop. I'm waiting for the next session until today.
Love the fights
Love this serie, great martial arts fights all over the serie and a very impressive and entertaining story behind. From the same creators of Smallville, Into the Badlands bring us the battles between Barons and their armies in a land where there’s no rule
dystopian setting: ✔️ badass martial arts fights: ✔️ villains with carisma: ✔️ kickass costumes and locations: ✔️ getting well deserved recognition: ✖
UNA DE MIS SERIES FAVORITAS. 10/10 sin palabras ( Esta en Amazon Prime )