It’s Nice To Have A Friend

Taylor Swift


Apple Music
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It's nice to have a friend
17th song of her 7th studio album “Lover”. It’s a really chill song which conveys the feeling of finally having someone who you can trust after a horrible situation. “"Wanna hang out?" Yeah, sounds like fun Video games, you pass me a note Sleeping in tents It's nice to have a friend”
It’s Nice To Have A Friend by Taylor Swift, talks about what obviously the tittle clearly talks when you truly have a friend and you enjoy little moments - Lover Album. Lover is the seventh studio album.
"Light pink sky up on the roof sun sinks down, no curfew. Twenty questions, we tell the truth, you've been stressed out lately? Yeah, me too. Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand.. It's nice to have a friend" 🎶
It’s nice to have a friend🧡
Para amuzades para vida toda.💙
Tiene un sonido muy lindo y tierno.
Muy tranquila, pero increíble 👌🏻🎶
Me imagino tocando esta canción en una noche de verano
Realmente es una canción bonita que te pone a pensar y te relaja.🌌