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En cuánto admiras esta fortaleza que Víctor Hugo llamó “Obra de la naturaleza y el hombre” es imposible no imaginar que estás en un cuento de castillos y dragones, pasea por sus calles medievales de este patrimonio mundial de la humanidad 👌🏼
A very popular and very impressive location in France
Amazing place in France
Mont Saint-Michel is a rocky island in France, where an abbey was built in honor of the archangel Saint Michael. This monastery, integrates a set with three more cities that marked the border of the kingdoms at the end of the Middle Ages, serving as elements of defense. 🇫🇷⛰ So Nice to visit inside
Fairytales are real 🧚🏻‍♀️
Absolutely magical ❤️
Le Mont-Saint-Michel is a tidal island and mainland commune in Normandy, France. The island is located about one kilometer off the country's northwestern coast, at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches and is 7 hectares in area !