The Book Thief: 10th Anniversary Edition

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Liesel is an orphan who is taken into a poor German family. The foster father teaches her how to read and she falls in love with books and even “steals” them.
História absolutamente incrível, tendo como narrador a “morte”! 👌🏻👌🏻
100% loved this book! It takes place during the nazi invasions and it's about a girl that refuges herself in the reading of stolen books
The narrator of this book is Death and that’s all you need to know really.
“Quando a morte nos conta uma história temos todo o interesse em escutá-la.” Este é um livro que recomendo sem quaisquer reservas.
Um dos meus livros preferidos!
Una novela con gran contenido histórico que nos hace encariñarños inconscientemente de sus personajes y sufrir con ellos página a página