Mariners Apartment Complex

Lana Del Rey

Mariners Apartment Complex

Apple Music
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Álbum- Norman Fucking Rockwell
A vibe da lana Mds...
You lose your way just take my hand 🎶 you’re lost at sea then I’ll command your boat to me again ♥️🔥 Una de mi poderosísima Lanita del Rey 👑
Who you are and who you've been...
Lana Queen. Profunda y poderosa
"I'm the board, the lightning, the thunder Kind of girl who's gonna make you wonder" la amo! ❤
Love it 😍😍😍😍
Lana haciendo de las suyas. M canción favorita de Norman Fucking Rockwell // Lana's done it once again. My favourite song from Norman Fucking Rockwell 💔
Just take my hand 🦋