Microsoft Authenticator


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A great way to re-live your great times is by recording them and the best way to not lose these memories is by making sure your account as safe as possible, well this app here helps you securing your account by addind a 2nd step verification and save your own password.
Not always am I able to use Authy as my main Two Way Authenticator, so in comes Microsoft Authenticator. With this app I can feel safe and sound that no one will ever be able to steal my twitter, amazon, reddit, you name it.
Microsoft Authenticator
Guarda tus cuentas y contraseñas
Um dos melhores apps para fazer autenticação de dois fatores nas suas redes sociais.
Perfecta para tu seguridad en PC o dispositivo móvil, guarda increíblemente tus contraseñas y App's libre de terceros para proteger tu información
Ideal para garantir a segurança extra as nossas passwords. A app gera novos códigos a cada poucos segundos
Melhora a segurança do teu mail
Muito bom para entrar com sua conta Microsoft sem palavra-passe