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Último libro de la saga narrado desde la perspectiva de Edward Cullen!🤩💖
Twihards waited YEARS for this one. That's the Twilight book, through Edward's point of view.
I was really hyped about it since the last book from the saga twilight was released 13 years ago. Since this book is exactly the same story from the first one, only told by Edward is doesnt add much do it as u would expect. I didn't hate it but neither loved it. It took me a whiile to finish it tho.
Edward annoys me a little, but the book is good.
The new book of twilight saga, now edward's vision of this saga
Su titulo en español, sol de medianoche, trata la maravillosa clásica historia de Crepúsculo desde el punto de vista de nuestro vampiro favorito, Edward Cullen. 100% recomendado si te encantó crepúsculo.
Muito bom ver a história da perspectiva oposta. Muito interessante mesmo. Um livro bem pensado e obrigatório para os fãs da saga.
Es algo muy nostálgico volver a leer a Edward y a Bella🌟
Ter o prazer de conhecer a narrativa e a mente do Edward é fascinante e justifica o deslumbramento que Bella tem.