Neutrogena Pack Hidratación Facial 24 Horas

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Moisturizes your skin without leaving it oily - 10/10
Kit Neutrogena
Keep your face hydrated. moisturizer
The only coffret I offer myself every year for Christmas. Sadly it only last 4 months and it is only for sale on festive times. Otherwise I just keep myself with the cream, which is not cheap considering the price of the coffret (2 itens for the price of 1).
It hydrates your skin like CRAZY! It REALLY helps you GLOW UP! 🌤 🌱 (literally)
It is a wonderful product, in my adolescence I suffered from acne and in my treatment I used this product and it went very well
Day cream & eye cream
Pack con crema a base de agua (perfecta para pieles grasas) y contorno de ojos anti fatiga. Esta crema la utilizo cuando me noto la piel algo seca por el resto de productos. Me hidrata la piel y no la deja grasa.
Hydro boost, junto con el contorno de ojos, para tu día a día