Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer


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documentário sobre o Night Stalker, um serial killer, violador, sequestrador, pedófilo e assaltante norte americano que cometeu os seus crimes entre 1984 e 1985
The story of the man who terrorised LA in the 80’s with its killing spree same as the abduction and rape of several children. A killer who did not have just one modus operandi, being able to confuse and deflect suspicions. The story behind Richard Ramirez.
Série documental sobre um serial killer. Arrepiaste! 10/10
Essa é a história do serial killer Richard Ramires empolgante!
A docummentary from the perspective of detectives and witnesses
Documental con imágenes/ clips reales. —-> 4 caps 50 minutos aprox
Tremendo documental sobre un acosador.
Um must watch para os amantes de docs de crime
Não gostei muito Eles focaram mais na imagem dos polícias como herois, deviam ter falado mais sobre a vida do Richard ~ I didn't like it very much They focused more on the image of the cops as heroes, they should have talked more about Richard's life
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