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O ator principal gravou o filme durante 15 anos de sua vida, é uma interessante história sobre um garoto e as dificuldades que ele passa nas fases de sua vida. O filme pode te trazer uma grande nostalgia e conforto
crescer e amadurecer do modo real e natural
It's always right now.
Boyhood (2014) dir. Richard Linklater
“You know how everyone’s always saying ‘seize the moment’? I don’t know, I’m kinda thinking it’s the other way around. You know, like the moment seizes us.”
" Boyhood " by Richard Linklater.
I really liked this movie, it has an interesting plot. Also, I really liked the visuals of it. This movie took over 12 years of shooting since it tells the story of a boy named Mason and how he goes through his teenage years (especially) and how his relat