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Están súper buenas, es una de las mejores alternativas si quieres dejar la carne ❌🐖🐄🐓❌ Recomendada 100%
Perfect substitute for meat 😍 For me it really tastes like a burger 🍔 🌱
Vegan alternatives. Disponível no Continente.
Is it beef? Is it pork? It's beyond meat!! 🌱
I 💚 this burgers! Amazing choice to people who miss that beef burger like texture, only problem is that has a lot of oil😬 but still delicious👌🏻
We have Beyond Meat now. Why murder innocent beings? It tastes just like the real thing, without the violence 💚
Já provei e aprovei demais! Suculento e delicioso 🤤
La mejor hamburguesa que existe. Sin hacer daño a los animales ni al medio ambiente (tampoco a ti😊)
MELHOR HAMBURGUER VEGETARIANO DO MUNDO. Disponível nos continentes maiores e no celeiro