Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day


1 temporada

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Un grupo de amigos se reúne para recordar la muerte de su amiga Menma y ayudarla a cumplir su deseo antes de que muriese 🥺❤️ muy bonito
"I thought I could just apologize tomorrow. But that tomorrow... never came."
this anime is crying from beginning to end
i’m only on episode 8 but i already cried a river 🧍
Esse anime tem um tema muito bom, chorei mt no final
Muestra que tus mejores amigos siempre estarán para ti y nunca se olvidaran de ti, es demasiado emotivo con un final feliz y triste :') Menmaaaaaaa
one of the most sad stories that I've seen. I really cry with this anime, I don't like the obsession that everything have with menma, they love her but they can't continue their lifes because her death, truly sad
If you are sensible and you like cry this is your anime, the story it's pretty sad but it's such a good story.