The Boondocks


4 temporadas

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Great TV show of you like deep thoughts and funny moments
Based on the comic strip, Huey and Riley move away from the city and out to the suburbs with their irascible grandfather. Biting socio-political commentary ensues ! 🧑🏽‍🦱✌🏾
Cantankerous Robert "Granddad" Freeman is the legal guardian of his grandsons, 10-year-old revolutionary Huey and 8-year-old Riley, a product of contemporary rap culture. After moving the family from Chicago's South Side to the safety of suburban Woodcrest -- aka the boondocks.
Serie que te ofrece una vision crítica a las diferencias de clases sociales que se viven en los tipicos suburbios
Esta serie ofrece una critica a las diferentes clases sociales que se viven en los suburbios
Esta serie ofrece una critica a las diferentes clases sociales que se viven en los suburbios