The Complete Hush, Hush Saga: Hush, Hush/Crescendo/Silence/Finale

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Para quem quer ler um romance misterioso que sempre muda de cabeça pra baixo é uma ótima opção
Una saga que vale la pena leer al 100%
Valen totalmente la pena, el final es totalmente inesperado :0
Angeles y demonios? Crees en ellos? Esta saga, te enamora! La recomiendo. La he leído varias veces :") Me enamoré de Patch 😍💕💕
If you are quite attracted to the stories of romance and fallen angels, you should definitely give this unique saga a chance. You will be fascinated from the first lines!❤
Each book has its own magic, you cannot let go of this story since you get attached to the characters and feel part of it all. Truly passionate story, emotions at every end of the page!
One of my favorites books. I grown up reading this books and they’re just amazing, once I started I couldn’t stop. I’ve read this saga like 4 times and it still had the same impact on me like if it was the first time reading it.
"You're mine, Angel." 😍
4/4 saga Hus Hus