The Giver


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Nice movie, didnt know Taylor Swift acted here tho
Such a entertaining movie! Really gets you questioning our society nowadays! 🤧😌💕
Enredo super interessante!
"In a seemingly perfect community, without war, pain, suffering, differences or choice, a young boy is chosen to learn from an elderly man about the true pain and pleasure of the "real" world." I think it has a really interesting story, I really liked this movie! 👍🏼
Lee el libro THE GIVER y Tenes que ver la película. Love It! ❤️
I recommend to the movie lovers to watch this movie, had a unique concept and message for emotion. Direct doenload link is
Movie about a perfect future but with no memory of our past. ONE OF MY FAVOURITES!!!
I was really disappointed of this movie, because this book is one of my favorites but the movie didn’t captivated the soul of the book, if you haven’t read the book, you can watch the movie and you are gonna love it but if you already read it, you are gonna be like okey. JUST MY HONEST OPINION!